Day 11 - YIPPEE! It's Town Day

Start Time 6:35 am

End Time 11:15 am

Start Mileage 874.80

End Mileage

Distance Walked Miles

Elevation Gain Feet

The plan was to sleep in today as we had a short walk of between 7 and 8 miles. We were heading to Vermillion Valley Ranch for a Zero. This means we have no walking tomorrow which results in two nights in a real bed. Bliss!! Unfortunately, the plan to sleep in went out the window and I think we were all eager to get into town for a proper lunch.

The start of our day was a steep uphill climb of 9/10th of a mile up and over Bear Ridge. It certainly set the pulse racing as we weaved our way up through the beautiful forest. The 9/10th marker was also where we decided to enjoy coffee and breakfast.

After breakfast, the trail led us down, down, down the mountain. The footing was excellent in parts and we could really move along whereas at other times it was loose rock and shale which can be tough walking.

I want to take a moment to congratulate Huckleberry on his performance on this trip. Last year was his first year plus he was saddled with a bum knee. Huckleberry has obviously put in the hard work of getting into shape for this trip. Well done Huckleberry. Great job.

Traveler and Huckleberry had taken the lead down the mountain with Woody and myself following several minutes later. We meandered back and forth, took a couple of water breaks, and met up with our colleagues at the end of the trail. There was a dam close to where the trail ended and we had a short walk across the dam before a 2 mile road walk to VVR. Halfway across the dam were a couple of workers and due to some diplomacy from Traveler we were able to get a ride to our final destination. 

A beautiful forest we were walking through.

Woody celebrating being so close to the end of the trail.

Looking down at Thomas Edison Lake.

Woody, Traveler and Huckleberry at the end of the climb down the pass.

L to r are Wanderer, Woody and Huckleberry. Traveler was sat up front.

Lunch is served.

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