Day 15

Start Mile 1232.1
End Mile 1252
Total Miles 19.9

Left camp at 10 past 7 and the going was slightly uphill for several hundred yards before we started on a long downward section. This was such a relief after the last couple of days. The main task today was to look for water as we were on a section of the trail that was very dry. Fortunately, about 4 miles out from camp, we came across a water source and filled our bottles, using our water purification system to be on the safe side. This downhill section was wonderful but suddenly, and without warning, we started to climb, which didn’t make my new hiking partner too happy. He started to curse the hill, the PCT, and anything else he could think of and was not a happy camper!

Eventually, the trail started to take us back down the mountain, and we found a huge tree that cast a large shadow where we decided to break for lunch. We were joined shortly after by a young Czech girl who was very interesting to chat with. I was amazed by the size of her lunch, which consisted of not one but two bagels crammed with meat and cheese. If I ever return to the trail, I’m going to have to try bringing some bagels and cream cheese!!

After lunch, the trail was supposed to head downhill for 8 miles. Wrong! Uphill we went. Eventually, we started to drop to the Middle Fork Feather River, where we stopped for water. There was a bridge that crossed the river, and I went on it to take a picture of both the uphill and downhill sections before returning to the trail. There was a tricky downhill section over some large rocks to reach the river where I took another photo of the Upper Feather River from water level. We had descended to pick up water that was required both for dinner that night and the following morning's breakfast.

We took advantage of the crystal clear waters and washed our feet and legs and cleaned 3-4 days worth of dirt and grime away and at the same time, I washed my tee-shirt, my long sleeve ultralight shirt and a pair of socks. In the heat, we were enjoying I knew the shirt and tee-shirt would dry quickly, but the socks would be damp at best. The climb up to our campsite was horrendous, but at least we had our precious water. After setting up my tent and laying out my sleeping mat and bag, I quickly changed and made dinner. It was a very warm night, and after retreating to my tent, in order to start on my blog, I lay there in my underwear just melting. It was impossible to go outside; otherwise, I would have been swarmed by the mosquitoes! The combination of the heat and the day's activities had taken their toll, and I was beginning to fade. I decided instead of doing a full blog that I would make notes in point form, in order to remind me of the major events of the day and to finish the blog at a later date. This blog is a result of said notes. Once I had finished, I closed my phone, and with it being so warm I lay on top of my sleeping bag and was asleep in minutes.


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