Day 12 - Zero-day in Sierra City

We arrived into town yesterday morning fully expecting to find a typically vibrant PCT town. What a letdown, it was like entering “Deadsville.” At the end of the day, it was determined the only two spots worth writing about was the Mountain Java coffee shop and my hotel, Sierra Pines. I would give an honourable mention to Marvin’s hotel, My Sisters Cottage, which seems very pleasant.

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I type today’s blog, as I have to announce that Marvin is leaving the trail today. Marvin has rolled the same ankle 3 times in the past week, and it is almost impossible to rehab it without resting it. Unfortunately on the PCT that is impossible to do. I will certainly miss Marvin as I have been very comfortable walking with him. The biggest thing I like is his decision making, and whenever we came to a crisis, it was comforting for us both to share our ideas and concerns. I wish Marvin a swift recovery and a safe journey home to British Columbia.

Fortunately, last night I met another hiker at my hotel, who is the same age as me and we have decided to team up for the next leg of the journey, which goes up to Chester which is the midpoint of the PCT. After which we will access if we want to carry on together. My new trail partners name is Brave Happy, aka Jim.

I’m now spending the day packing my pack and ensuring I get the weight balanced correctly. There is nothing worse than a bag that isn’t packed right as it plays havoc with your back and shoulders. This will be essential for tomorrow as I start the day with a climb of around 4000 feet.

Well, it’s time to go and get started with my packing, so please keep the donations rolling in, and know that I’m earning every penny!!


Only one picture to share today and it’s the pond full of trout that services the restaurant at Sierra Pines.

Only one picture to share today and it’s the pond full of trout that services the restaurant at Sierra Pines.

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